FAQ | Medipim

Tips for Healthcare professionals

  • How do I get access to Medipim?

    Medipim is a professional database with up-to-date information of the latest medicines and parapharmaceutical or cosmetic products and is only accessible to healthcare professionals.

    • you are a customer: all subscriptions include access to the online database. Go to the contact form and ask for a new login if you have lost yours.
    • you are not a customer yet? The BASE subscription allows access to all the product and image information of more than 150,000 pharmaceutical products online. 
  • I would like to use the Medipim images and descriptions on my webshop. What do I need to do?

    • choose the subscription that meets your needs: custom solutions
    • you will receive an offer containing our terms and conditions by e-mail
    • after accepting the offer, we will send you:
      • a login and password to the online database,
      • a key for the API and technical documentation for your web developer.

    REMARK: we do not grant access as long as the offer and the terms and conditions have not been accepted. 

  • Can I choose the products I want to publish on my website? Or do I have to choose a preset package?

    You can choose which products you wish to publish. We do not offer any product packages. If you have a subscription up to 10,000 products, you can choose which brands, or which categories you will offer your visitors. Did you surpass the limit of the subscription? Instead of blocking your site, we will offer you an upgrade. 

  • How to look up products on the online platform?

    • search by category: look up and select one or more categories
    • search by keyword: enter a keyword to find the product you are looking for. Beware this field only searches in the name of a product
    • search by using filters: click on the filter icon next to the keyword search field

    TIP: Combine these three methods to narrow your search results 


    Tips when searching by category:

    • you can enter keywords to find a category
    • use the triangle to see the subcategories
    • select the category by checking the box to see all the products in that category (do not check the categories above because it will influence your result)  


    Search by Fine Line category

    • click on the icon ‘filter’
    • click on Fine Line Category
    • fill in a keyword
    • use the triangle to see the subcategories
    • select the category by checking the box to see all the products in that category (do not check the categories above because it will influence your result)


    Search by active ingredient

    • click on the icon ‘filter’
    • click on active ingredient
    • fill in a keyword
    • select the ingredient by checking the box to see all the products with that active ingredient
    • TIP: on the product page you can click on the active ingredient or on ‘related products’ to see all the products with the same active ingredient


    Search by symptoms

    E.g.: ‘fever’

    • click on the icon ‘filter’
    • click on Indication
    • enter a symptom (e.g.: fever)


    Search for cheapest alternatives

    • go to the product page
    • click on ‘cheapest alternatives’
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