FAQ | Medipim


  • Where can I report errors?

    Please inform us of any errors you may find by using the green feedback button on the product page.

  • How often is the product information updated?

    We update product information on a daily basis. 

  • What if the product package has changed?

    As soon as we receive the information that the product package has changed, our photography department has new packshots made. It takes 1 week on average to get the image online, provided the product is stocked at Febelco. If the product is not available, a request is sent to the manufacturer.

  • What if the packshot is outdated or incorrect?

    You can use the feedback button on the product page to request new images. If the product is stocked at Febelco, the image will be available quite quickly. If the product is not available, a request is sent to the manufacturer.

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